11 AWFUL Members Of Iconic Wrestling Stables

8. Rocco The Doll (Legion Of Doom)

Edge Judgment Day

Joining Hornswoggle as an unexpected mascot who did absolutely nothing for one of the greatest units of all time, the legendary Road Warriors/Legion of Doom added a rather wooden member back in 1992.

Hawk and Animal, along with their manager Paul Ellering, were eventually joined by a ventriloquist doll by the name of Rocco in WWE.

That's right: two of the most terrifying forces of nature ever to roar down a WWE ramp were saddled with a ridiculous puppet mascot - complete with "badass" leather jacket and shades, of course.

And why? Well, according to Animal, this was the company's way of attempting to both show a "softer" side of the frightening Road Warriors and move some more merchandise.

In other words, Rocco was WWE's 1990 version of the horrifying Lilly, folks.

Others would join forces or make up members of the iconic faction as the years rolled by, with the likes of Heidenreich, Droz, Ahmed Johnson, and Kensuke Sasaki all going full Road Warrior at points - to varying degrees of success.

However, it's hard to look past that creepy little dummy - one that would eventually, mysteriously go missing at the airport after completely undermining the icons' awesome SummerSlam '92 entrance - as the Legion of Doom's worst-ever ally.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...