11 CM Punk WWE Promo Showdowns That Could Be Awesome

8. Adam Cole

Sami Zayn Cm Punk Promos

The boss of the Undisputed Era ain't slowing down. He's speeding up. Adam Cole's persona is brimming with confidence, and there is also something very honest about the way he carries himself. With the Survivor Series TakeOver angle seeing him gaining newfound attention, 2020 could be the major breakthrough year of his career.

There are many reasons why Cole and CM Punk would have a huge amount of respect for each other, and neither one are given to mincing their words. It could make for some sincere trash talking on both ends. Punk may jovially advise Cole to rise beyond the restrictions of stable leader and become his own man, whilst Cole may renounce Punk as a failed deity of the past and an inferior leader to his once notorious stable, the Straight Edge Society.

In any case, Cole's the kind of dude who would step up to the trash talk pedestal with zero inhibition, and the following dialogue could flow extremely naturally. If certain wrestling fan-bases weren't paying attention to him before, they sure as hell would be afterwards.


Writer, proud father and also chimp. Plus I talk music at Everythingisnoise.net