11 Humiliating Times Wrestlers Tried To Look Cool (& Turned Into CLOWNS)

4. Shane McMahon...So Many Times

CM Punk Punch Thumb III

There was definitely a point in time when Shane McMahon could actually be classed as a relatively cool dude.

As the young son of the boss in his earlier years in WWE, he literally threw himself into some absolutely insane scenarios - falling off tall things, being thrown through actual glass by Olympians - building a reputation as quite the daredevil who could be relied upon to create many a jaw-dropping moment.

There was even something a little bit awesome about seeing him return to take on The Undertaker at WrestleMania 32 and dive off of Hell in a Cell. 

For much of his time in WWE post-Mania 32, though, the "C" word was the last thing that sprung to mind when talking about Shane-O. Well, not that one anyway. No matter how hard he tried.

Whether he was throwing his "shoot" punches that looked terrible but still hurt more than your average worked shot, trying to make his edgy Raw Underground a thing, or attempting to prove he could still go with the best of them - or at least The Miz - Shane made unintentionally looking like an egomaniacal clown his speciality.

And if his surprise WrestleMania 39 return and subsequent embarrassing Mizhap are his final-ever moments on a WWE show, at least they were memorable, eh?


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...