11 Major Problems WWE Faces In 2016

3. Creative

The lack of imagination in WWE creative is staggering. Once again, they are having to go back to a 1997 storyline (McMahon Vs Austin / McMahon Vs Reigns) in order to stoke interest. It isn't that it is necessarily bad, but surely the well paid writers up at Stamford can come up with better than this? Long term fans have seen it all before. And the problems go much deeper. At every level of the show, the story telling is lacking. It isn't just the narrative structure, it is also things like the script dialogue and character gimmicks. Things are boring, stupid and predictable. Concepts are rehashed time and time again. In 2016, WWE need to come up with the next great brainwave in pro wrestling, or risk losing the audience due to running too many repeats.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.