2. The Rock - $5 Million A Year
In the space of a year from WrestleMania 28 to WrestleMania 29, The Rock easily made an excess of five million in WWE. He main evented the highest grossing WWE pay per view of all time at Mania 28 against John Cena, main evented a strongly performing pay per view against CM Punk at Royal Rumble 2013, main evented with Punk again at Elimination Chamber 2013, then did another solid Mania buy with Cena at WrestleMania 29. His contract and bonuses for all of that, in addition to the merchandise he shifted in that year, would have added up to a year that along with his Holywood work must have been worth massive riches. His earnings during his 1999-2002 peak would also have been at least at the five million level, possibly much more, given his involvement in so many projects. He is the definition of a cross over mainstream star. And yes, he was 100% worth it. The highest grossing pay per view of all time and his mainstream appeal in the Attitude Era is proof of his worth.