11 Reasons Why The Million Dollar Man Was WWE's Biggest Heel

2. He Cheated A Child Out Of $500 On National Television

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nwoQ2b3k8Uo Anytime a highlight reel airs of €œThe Million Dollar Man€™s€ legendary career, this scene is at the forefront. His motto of €œEverybody€™s got a price for The Million Dollar Man€ wasn€™t limited to adults. Children were fair game. On an episode of WWF Superstars, DiBiase and Virgil invited a little boy, who couldn€™t have been older than six, onto the stage to win $500. All he had to do was dribble a basketball fifteen times. That doesn€™t sound hard, now does it? The boy agreed to the terms of the bet and started his money-making dribble. The crowd counted along as his excited mother hopped around in the background, already thinking about how many more foam Hulk Hogan fingers she would buy with their winnings. Just as the youngster was about to complete his fifteenth dribble€ Ted DiBiase kicked the ball. The crushed and embarrassed child went back to his mommy with tears in his eyes as DiBiase gloated with a smile on his face. It€™s arguably the Heavyweight Champion of heel moves. Rusev can hate on America all he wants. Seth Rollins can manipulate John Cena into bringing back The Authority. €œThe Million Dollar Man€ picks on children. Step your game up, fellas.
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Ted DiBiase
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Eric Delgado has been writing about professional wrestling for five years and has been involved in the professional wrestling business as a performer for ten. He is also the former host of Steel Cage Radio and has an irrational love for The Ryback.