11 Reasons WWE Made Brock Lesnar Vs The Undertaker Hell In A Cell

3. Preparing The Undertaker For A WrestleMania Retirement?

One theory circulating, is that WWE are featuring The Undertaker extensively throughout 2015 in order to prepare his retirement. It has been rumoured for years now that he'll be bowing out in front of his home state fans at WrestleMania 32. It could be that WWE are preparing the ground work for that. Undertaker's two matches this year have made him even more high profile than usual. The plan in October could be for the third match to really put him over the top, giving him an ultimate victory over Lesnar and setting him up as the biggest star going into Mania 32. An Undertaker retirement tour could be what's going on here, with WWE squeezing every last drop of value from their icon en-route to WrestleMania 32.
WWE Writer

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