11 Reasons WWE Made Brock Lesnar Vs The Undertaker Hell In A Cell

8. Failure Of The Feud

Part of the Lesnar / Undertaker cell booking feels like WWE giving up on the feud. It didn't pan out as the WrestleMania bound epic they expected it to be, so they are dropping it off at Hell In A Cell. It isn't that the SummerSlam match was bad, it is just that the creative was abysmal. Far from feeling like an epic feud, it felt more like a forced together narrative. Seeing The Undertaker performing low blows was just baffling. Fans didn't really know how to take the characters, and the SummerSlam finish just didn't have the necessary wow factor to power the feud through to WrestleMania. Aware of the critical problems around the summer showdown, WWE were right to book the story to end sooner rather than later. So far we've had one bad match, a ton of bad creative, and not a lot else. Ending it and moving both men on to better things is the right decision.
WWE Writer

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