6. Dean Ambrose Heel Turn On Roman Reigns
Dean Ambrose was 100% positioned to turn heel on Roman Reigns last year. WWE constantly played up to it, with Dean repeatedly telling Roman how they were "brothers". Other conversations revolved around how they went for beers together. It was very blatant foreshadowing. But the turn never came. Perhaps due to the injuries that rocked the roster, WWE decided to keep Ambrose and Reigns as they were. However, with the Royal Rumble match, there's now a valid reason for Ambrose to turn on his friend. The WWE title could be the catalyst for them falling out. Ambrose would enter the Rumble, then sneakily attack and eliminate Reigns. It would be a shock, because no one envisions Ambrose versus Reigns as a WrestleMania headliner, but when you stop and think about it, it does make sense. The story would be that Ambrose is The Authority's new leader.