11 Things That Only Make Sense In Wrestling (... AND Nowhere Else)
7. Interference Rarely Being Properly Punished
From those times when a wrestler bafflingly tells the world they're on their way down to fight off a villain via music, to the infuriating visual of someone interfering in an actual match.
Heels choosing to step in and cost a babyface a contest behind a referee's back has become yet another frustrating trope over the years. But the most irritating part of it all is just how easily the antagonists tend to get away with their cheating ways.
If someone broke the rules to earn victory in a game/fight in any other sport, surely all involved would be seriously punished, right?
Firstly, there's a decent chance the initial decision would be overturned. Hell, the referee who allowed this madness to go down in the first place would perhaps be fined for their error, too.
In wrestling, though, a heel's teammate jumping in to help them beat an enemy while an official has their back turned is often just accepted and forgotten about a week later, with the likes of Ludwig Kaiser, Jimmy Uso, Solo Sikoa, and more regularly costing faces matches and not being given that severe a punishment for their dastardly actions.
Surely, that sort of devilish behaviour deserves a suspension at least.
The threat of an undisclosed fine clearly isn't enough to stop wrestlers from ruining a hero's night time and time again, and that's typically as bad as the penalties get for a consistent cheater in this wrestling world.