11 Things We Learned From Becky Lynch On Talk Is Jericho

7. The Lass Kicker

Jericho inquires about how Becky came up with her nickname "The Lasskicker" and she replies that she actually didn't come up with it. The morning after her match with Sasha she was scrolling through her Twitter feed and the phrase was being mentioned in Tweets, and someone had even posted a t-shirt with the name on it. At first she assumed it was a Sheamus shirt for females but then realized that didn't make sense. It wasn't until she actually went on WWEshop.com that she realized it was a shirt that the company had made for her, and the she and Jericho talk about how cool the "Maiden Ireland" part of the shirt is. In terms of her goggles, she did suggest those to the company and they sent her prototypes for a design, so she was aware that they were going to be marketed and produced for her, but when she saw that she had her own t-shirt she was overwhelmed and she cried.

Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.