11 Things WWE Must Do To Survive In 2016

7. Get Rid Of The Authority

I've beaten the corpse of this horse until there's nothing left but dust and residue and will continue to do so because it's honestly one of the biggest problems with WWE as a whole. Almost twenty years ago wrestling discovered a new angle where the company was ran by a power-mad despot who held the fate of the wrestlers and their livelihoods in the palm of his hand. At the time, it was fresh, ground-breaking and exciting and spearheaded the hottest period both WCW and WWE would ever experience, while both companies were utilizing a form of the same angle; Vince McMahon and corporate policy along with Eric Bischoff leading the nWo. But like I said, that was almost twenty years ago and WWE is still beating that same drum. That well is bone dry, and it's time to get rid of that booking crutch. I'm sure Triple H and Stephanie McMahon want to be on TV and I don't blame them. They're big stars and they absolutely should be featured. I don't even mind them being heels. But we're currently in the midst of a nearly-exact rehashing of the 2013 Authority-centric angle, they've just substituted the key players. It's one of the main reasons for the aforementioned staleness and easily a top five criticism among cynical and disillusioned fans, yet they forge ahead week after week recycling the same tropes. If they're absolutely dead set on not booking a show without someone in charge, just give us an authority figure along the lines of William Regal in NXT, or better yet Jack Tunney or Stanley Blackburn. They can exist as a tool to further a story but in 2015 they have no business being the vehicle that drives the show.

Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.