11 Times Brock Lesnar Proved WWE Raw Is His Yard

Here comes the pain on Monday Night Raw.

The Beast Brock Lesnar is one of the very few real stars WWE created in the past fifteen years. John Cena was the successor to The Rock's brand of entertainment, but it was Lesnar who succeeded Stone Cold Steve Austin as a straight up badass. He was so much of a badass, that the WWE couldn't contain him. Lesnar only did two years on the main roster, before leaving WWE in 2004 to pursue more challenging physical tests. Ultimately, that has made his star power so much bigger. Having been to the UFC and destroyed people for real, he has something that no other WWE superstar has, and that's legitimacy. He was world famous in 2009, popping UFC a million pay per view buys as the baddest man on the planet. He's now back in the WWE and having some of the best matches of this decade. Furthermore, he's proving a very big draw to Raw ratings. The June 15th Raw was the most viewed episode since the day after WrestleMania 31. The reason he spikes Raw ratings is down to his rich history of shocking Raw moments. Going back to his very early days in 2002, and more recent occasions, Monday Night Raw has been the home to some of Brock's most sensational career moments.
WWE Writer

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