11 Ups & 2 Downs From IMPACT Wrestling (14 Oct)
1. Add Another One

Rich Swann defeated VSK. That's hardly a headline from last night's show, but rather an inevitable prediction that could have been made when the match was originally confirmed.
Was there, however, a need for this feud to run through three matches, all with the same conclusion?
For what it was, the match was fine. VSK looked solid, and Rich made great use of his arsenal of strikes; that Buzzsaw Kick had no right to look as sick as it did. The match should have ended there, rather than VSK essentially no-selling the move. A Phoenix splash did end proceedings about a minute too late.
It's an annoyance to continuously place this in the Downs section, but what else can be done? IMPACT is doing nothing to better the story, it hinders what could be a flourishing arc for the Learning Tree, and it holds Rich and Willie back, despite them just coming off a delightful World Tag Team Titles rivalry with the Good Brothers. That should have been the Bound For Glory story, not whatever this mess is.