11 Weird Heel Turns WWE Icons Would Like You To Forget

5. Steve Austin Makes A Deal With The Devil

Edge WWE

While the legendary 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin's reasons for wanting to go full heel at WrestleMania X-Seven were understandable - he'd grown tired of being the babyface and felt the need to reinvent himself a bit - the weird run that followed was one that he and WWE would ultimately live to regret.

Sure, the change in character after making a deal with the devil himself, Mr. McMahon, did allow him to eventually flex his comedic muscles a little more. But similarly to the aforementioned Goldberg, people just did not want to hate 'The Texas Rattlesnake' and pushed back against the unwanted move. 

It also didn't help that the character itself was a bit all over the place, too.

The vicious psycho's horrendous attacks on J.R. and Lita were undermined by those aforementioned moments of comedy alongside Kurt Angle, and Austin would then go on to jump back-and-forth over the babyface/heel divide a few times during the disappointing Invasion storyline. It was just a mess from start to finish.

This terrible heel turn marked the beginning of the end of the Attitude Era boom period as well, with business very much suffering following the baffling decision to turn the hottest star in the industry into a corporate stooge. 


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...