11 Weirdest Freaks In Wrestling History

1. What In The Blue Hell Is The Yeti?

Pro wrestling promoters like to bring in monster heels to terrorise their top babyfaces. Pro wrestling promoters are also, almost to a man, obsessed with size: regardless of talent, a very large man will usually get a very large push. These facts explain the otherwise baffling wrestling careers of Jorge González, Dalip Singh Rana€ and Ron Reis. Reis was a legitimately very large man (billed in WCW as significantly taller than Paul €˜The Giant€™ Wight, although his costume added a good few inches) with a half decent look. Nonetheless, in their infinite wisdom the powers that be, or were (powers that weren€™t?) at WCW decided to add him to Kevin Sullivan€™s heel stable the Dungeon Of Doom in 1995, as €˜The Yeti€™. Wrapped in bandages from head to foot, he burst from a gigantic block of ice to run an interference angle with the Giant in the main event of Halloween Havoc that year. No one seems to have informed those same powers that weren€™t that a €˜yeti€™ is the Tibetan equivalent of Bigfoot, an ape-like cryptid from the snowy mountains of the Himalayas €“ and, crucially, not a huge man dressed as a mummy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ixb_w1AZI80 Reis could not wrestle to save his or anyone else€™s life, and was wrapped in bandages so tight that his normally sluggish movement was further heavily constricted. It€™s fair to say that his bear hug attack on Hulk Hogan from behind with Wight was one of the most unintentionally hilarious spots on WCW television (which is saying something). Reis would be repackaged a number of times, most memorably as the Super Giant Ninja for some reason, but far from being a true monster, never amounted to more than a massive jobber. As far as we know, he retired from wrestling completely in 2005 to deliver wine in the mid-west. You know, like yetis do in real life. Who€™s your favourite wrestling freak? Tell us all about it in the comments!
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Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.