11 Worst SummerSlam Posters In History

1. 2013

SummerSlam 2006 Poster

But at the top of our list is none other than 2013’s roller coaster instalment. Because SummerSlam and roller coasters go together, right?

In a similar situation to 2006, it seems like they were really hitching their load to the “biggest party of the summer” theme. But they took it to the point that this rendition just didn’t look like a poster for a wrestling show.

There was no mention of matches, rivalries, or any of the show’s actual content. And furthermore, why did we see this particular cast of theme park-goers?

The card featured Brock Lesnar vs CM Punk—with the Beast vs the Best tag-line which would make any poster look great—as well as a long-awaited WWE title shot for Daniel Bryan against John Cena. And yet none of that was referenced on the poster, other than a quick glimpse of Punk and Bryan in the back rows of the ride.

Still, as random as the thinking behind this poster was, it seemed to mark something of a change in mind-set, as subsequent posters were far more focused on the matter in hand: that being the promotion of the actual matches that would feature on the show.

And thankfully, if this year’s poster is anything to go by, it looks like it’s a trend that’s here to stay.

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