11 WWE Questions You Most Want Answered (Oct 16)

9. Will Jeff Hardy Return To WWE In 2016?

Asked by @pedroaleshandre The successful return of The Dudley Boyz has certainly increased the likelihood of more nostalgia acts returning. Indeed, WWE were reportedly considering a Hardy Boyz return as recently as September. However, it isn't that likely to happen. There's issues on both sides. Jeff is 38 years old and is one of the most banged up wrestlers in the industry. The thought of throwing himself back into the intensity of WWE can't be that appealing. As for WWE, would they really want to risk signing such a vulnerable performer? Then there's all the past issues, with his history of drugs and arrests. He got over huge in his last WWE run, but he left them high and dry. There would inevitably be trust issues on WWE's side. The fact is that WWE have a new generation of high flyers, and the company isn't really interested in reckless bumping. Jeff probably isn't coming back as a wrestler to WWE.
WWE Writer

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