12 Actors Who Could Totally Play WWE Superstars In Movies

11. Chris Hemsworth As Hulk Hogan

Hugh Jackman/The Undertaker

Hogan himself has asked that, if someone is to play him in the movies, he'd want it to be Thor. It makes a certain amount of sense, too, considering that Hemsworth has the right physique for the part and his voice is probably gruff enough to pull it off. And he'd look splendid with that mustache, wouldn't he?

The question of whether a Hulk Hogan movie could ever come to light, considering his recent whitewashing from WWE's history books, remains to be seen. If the company and Terry Bollea make amends within the next few years, though, then Hemsworth would still be young enough to play a guy who never looked that young to begin with.

When it comes right down to it, you just need someone who can say the words "You know what, brother?" and sound convincing. That's it. That's the crux of the Hulk Hogan character. Chris Hemsworth could totally do that.

...But also, he could very easily slip into the character of the consummate in-ring good guy, and probably transition smoothly into playing the selfish, backstabbing jerk Bollea has been accused of being backstage.


Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.