12 Best "Big" Men In Wrestling

5. Big Boss Man / Big Bubba Rogers

big show big cass

He had great entrance music, a great gimmick, and that terrible stomping headlock. As you'd expect, The Big Boss Man is fondly remembered by many fans.

What's amazing is how many duds The Boss Man endured during his career. From getting hanged by The Undertaker and surviving the Kennel of Hell match to crashing Big Show's father's funeral and dealing with Bobby Heenan's insults about his beloved mother, both The Big Boss Man's reputation and his body took a pounding during his time in the WWF.

But undoubtedly the highlight of his career was getting suplexed off the top of a steel cage by Hulk Hogan. To this day, it still rattles your bones to see it.


Author, puzzle guy, and lifelong consumer of pop culture. I'm a nerd for wrestling, Star Wars, literature, trivia, and all sorts of other things. Feel free to mock and/or praise me and my scribblings at @glennmandirect on Twitter.