12 (Days Of) Christmas Gifts For WWE Superstars

1. A Gift Of Retirement To The Undertaker

This gift may be controversial but the aging process can€™t be avoided. The Undertaker is nearly 50 years old, with a broken down body. For the past six or seven years, it€™s always been a question of €˜if€™ €˜Taker will make WrestleMania and this can€™t go on forever. The biggest shock of 2014 was undoubtedly the end of his undefeated €˜Mania streak €“ a monumental moment but probably the wrong decision. People have different opinions on whether the streak should€™ve ever ended but, for a man who prides himself on the quality of these matches, it was incredibly disappointing for it to end with such a poor contest. Undertaker vs Sting has been rumoured for years but it seems a bit pointless without the streak on the line, it€™d just be another match. There€™s no other opponent for him, really. If Sting does face Triple H, maybe this is finally the year when Mark Calaway walks away from his stellar career. The locker room will lose a leader but the Hall of Fame will gain a huge legend.
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John Cena
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From Chester-le-Street, with Newcastle as my spiritual home. 24 years old, I'm at Sunderland University studying for a Sports Journalism MA. It's all about football and WWE. Wordplay jokes and puns are also encouraged.