12 Definitive WWE Attitude Era Matches
Bouts that brought the Attitude to the Attitude Era.
The Attitude Era was the most magical period in World Wrestling Entertainment history, a time where characters were vivid and well-defined, stories were compelling and content was as over-the-top as imaginable. Sex, violence and anti-authority sentiment dominated Monday Night Raw, garnering record television ratings and spawning a new broadcast known as SmackDown. Superstars such as The Rock, "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, Mankind, The Undertaker, Sable, Chyna and Kane became household names while personalities like Val Venis, Goldust, D'Lo Brown and "Sexual Chocolate" Mark Henry became fan favorites of the die-hard audience. As excellent as the television was, as intriguing as the stories were and as entertaining as the characters proved to be, the matches they crafted helped set the era apart from others. Those matches were exercises in emotion, in drama and in non-stop action. They were not always the prettiest technical bouts but what they did was keep fans on the edge of their seats, resulting in the most fun one could possible have from a live entertainment art form. Featuring future Hall of Famers and dynamic performers the likes of which have not been seen since, these are the 12 most defining matches of the Attitude Era.
12. The Hardy Boyz vs. The Dudley Boyz vs. Edge and Christian - SummerSlam 2000