12 Dumbest WWE Superstar Tattoos

3. Matt Morgan's...What?

Matt Morgan Back Tattoo It's hard to tell what Matt Morgan's back piece is supposed to be. He says it's a monster so we'll take his word for it. What is easy to tell is that the tattoo is dumb. It doesn't even look finished. Not only that, but another wrestler was responsible for this work: Shannon Moore's Gas Chamber Ink. tattoo shop did the bulk of the work. If you're thinking that Morgan's tat is just an ill-fated attempt to look like a badass, think again. It has real meaning, you know, as Morgan explained to The Void:
"€œIf you watch me wrestle, that is the face I have; the intensity in the eyes, the way my eyebrows go, the way my nose crinkles, and in a lot of still shots, you€™ll see me making that face. It€™s a representation of me in the ring.€
Oh, so it's actually his face. Okay then. The resemblance is uncanny.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...