12 Great Wrestling Matches You'll Never Watch Again (And Why)

Hands up who has watched Leif Cassidy vs. Flash Funk again...

Over the years, there have been literally hundreds of excellent pro wrestling matches. Many of these bouts have taken place in independent promotions across the world, never to be seen by millions who dearly love the industry. Even though there's a reason for this - the fact these companies have a small catchment - it's also startling to think it's not exclusive to the independent circuit. There are TNA, WCW and even WWE matches that many people haven't seen. Then, there are those collisions that have been witnessed, but many fans will never revisit again. Perhaps these matches took place on duff Pay-Per-Views, or other bouts came along between the same participants that were simply superior. Whatever the reason, the following 12 matches remain unlikely to be watched again by anyone other than the most hardcore of fans. Some choices may stand out as surprising, whereas others will seem unique, possibly because some enthusiasts haven't even heard of them. Regardless of reasoning, there's logic behind every single choice. All of these matches could accurately be described as great, but they're also more obscure than others. Smaller names such as Scotty Too Hotty and Kaitlyn adorn the list, but so do industry titans like 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin and Sting.

12. Chris Benoit vs. Rob Van Dam (WWE SummerSlam 2002)

For a portion of wrestling fans, watching anything related to Chris Benoit is still fairly awkward. The tragedy which surrounded the end of the Canadian's life has become almost mythical, and people are still trying to put together the pieces of the puzzle today. Unfortunately as a result, the man's wrestling career has been overshadowed for some. Due to this, a lot of his career is glossed over by WWE. The company really seem uncomfortable talking about him, so they simply choose not to. At SummerSlam 2002, Shawn Michaels returned to face Triple H in a memorable Street Fight. That wasn't the only cracker on the card, Benoit also contested one hell of an Intercontinental Title match against Rob Van Dam. Benoit and RVD actually went longer than Michaels and Triple H, but their match has been lost to the sands of time for a lot of people. Even when folks discuss the best of Chris Benoit in WWE, this one rarely comes up. That's a shame, but many fans cannot get over the shadowy events of May, 2007, when Benoit's life ended in confusing circumstances.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.