12 Greatest Flying Elbows In Wrestling History

1. Randy Savage's Atomic Elbow

Was there ever any question? "Macho Man" Randy Savage had the greatest flying elbow drop of all time, and frankly it's in the running for the best diving maneuver of all time. It's simply iconic.

First, Savage would execute a two-fingered point to the sky, as if to warn it that he was coming. He'd almost always do this, too; even if time was short and he only had seconds before his opponent recovered, he'd gesture quickly.

Then he'd jump straight up, into the lights -- the guy had incredible vertical leap, even into his forties -- and then land, perfectly, with his elbow positioned right under the opponent's chin. Gorgeous.

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Long-time fan (scholar?) of professional wrestling, kaiju films and comparative mythology. Aspiring two-fisted adventurer.