12 Guests We Need To See On Stone Cold's Broken Skull Sessions

8. Shane McMahon

The Rock Broken Skull

Strangely enough, this man's rise to fan recognition ran only a couple of years behind Steve Austin's. At the tail end of the '90s, the son of the chairman sought to prove himself as a worthy commodity by stepping into the ring, adopting some humorous kayfabe and eventually progressing to become one of the the most memorable daredevils in WWE.

After the rocky feud with Kevin Owens, Shane seems to have stepped out of the limelight for the time being, but it would still be great to see him and Stone Cold reminiscing over days of old. What about that very bizarre and wholly nonsensical Ministry of Darkness story of 1999, and the Steve, Vince and Shane ladder match in which it culminated?

Overall, it would be great to hear Steve Austin ask what the secret to Shane's charismatic fearlessness really is, and if we can expect to see him dive off of impossible heights again at some point. There is also the small matter of his numerous other business achievements outside of WWE, which would be worth an ask.


Writer, proud father and also chimp. Plus I talk music at Everythingisnoise.net