12 Guests We Need To See On Stone Cold's Broken Skull Sessions

4. Mick Foley

The Rock Broken Skull

Another easy choice perhaps, but name a time when a conversation with Mick hasn't been ridiculously entertaining!

Mick and Steve have known each other a long time, and their chats are pretty well documented, but the Broken Skull format could allow the talk to go a little deeper. There is an entire catalogue of memories Foley could recap without having to go anywhere near the infamous Hell in a Cell match, and many of those would occur simultaneous to Austin's own most famous moments.

Going deeper still, there is no end of WCW and ECW antics Foley could touch on, with his legendary feud with Terry Funk being the mere tip of the iceberg. Skipping forward, it would also be worth quizzing Mick on his natural talent for cutting promos, entertaining crowds, and being a long-standing all-round nice guy throughout his tenure in the business.

Triple H, retirement, the seamless meandering through one persona to the next? There's no end of topics, and on the subject of split-personalities, hopefully Austin would ask the question, 'What are your thoughts on Bray Wyatt?'


Writer, proud father and also chimp. Plus I talk music at Everythingisnoise.net