12 Most Alarming Physique Transformations In WWE History

4. Eddie Guerrero

BT Eddie

Eddie Guerrero had to fight for his place in wrestling. Throughout his whole career he was deemed to not be big enough for the big time, but he was just so talented and charismatic that he forced his way into the WWE main event scene. Of course, he also had to make some physical changes to get there. As you can see from the picture above left, Eddie looked a lot different during his early days in WCW. He still had big arms and shoulders but he also had a little bit of baby fat.

That would change from 1997 as Eddie got leaner and more cut. Eddie continued to grow in size all the way up until he got to the WWF. Eddie's physique fluctuated a little and got softer in later 2000 (he even started wrestling in a vest to hide it) as he battled a prescription pill problem. Upon returning to the WWF in April 2002, following his firing in later 2001, Eddie was in the best shape of his career. In his autobiography Eddie detailed his routine during his time away from the company, saying that he would work out like a mad man and blow himself up during training while sticking to a very strict, high-protein diet. He was also, very clearly, using anabolic steroids and was carrying much more muscle mass than his small frame was designed for.

Eddie added yet more size in 2004/5 as he was propelled to the top of the card. Eddie was one of the most in-shape guys on the roster at that time but his years of steroid (and other drug) use took their toll: he died on 13 November 2005 of heart failure. Eddie was one if the wrestlers named by Sports Illustrated in their 19 March 2007 article. Eddie's death was the primary factor in WWE instituting their wellness policy.

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Michael Cole
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Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...