There must have been a better way to work the legends that took part in this farce into WrestleMania. Instead of being worked into a clever or comedic backstage segment, a plethora of familiar faces from WWE's past took part in what has the be the worst put together match in Mania history. Of course, a lot of these legends were well into their 50s, or older, by this stage and their gruelling careers had taken their tole which meant they couldn't move like they once did. Then again, some of these men, the likes of The Goon, Duke 'The Dumpster' Droese and Repo Man mainly, couldn't possibly be considered as legends and won't have been high on the list of former greats the crowd wanted to see. As Stone Cold Steve Austin would put it, the match was a bit of a 'cluster-muck' with little in the way of compelling action. Nevertheless, it was good to see Vince acknowledging them.