12 Most Notoriously Selfish Stars In WWE History

11. Stephanie McMahon

This one isn't so much about being selfish in the ring, although certainly when you take into account that the daughter of the boss with no formal wrestling training was defeating seasoned female grapplers and winning championships you could level that claim as well. But where Steph's ego really lets itself loose is in her segments as an onscreen Authority figure - especially these last several years. While no one with an unbiased opinion can dispute the fact that she's an outstanding heel with elite promo skills, the problem with her character is that she rarely shows any vulnerability, The wrestlers are scripted to cower to her, emasculating the men the audience is supposed to view as heroes. Her brief angle with AJ Lee was nothing more than Stephanie putting the Diva in her place, and we all saw what happened when she faced Brie Bella, someone who WWE has booked as the centerpiece of the division. Brie was fed to Stephanie who hadn't wrestled a match in years. In fact, the Ronda Rousey angle was the first time McMahon has shown any real weakness in forever, which is the main difference between her character and that of her father. Vince was always willing to look like an idiot and receive his comeuppance when it was time. With Stephanie it feels like that time never comes. For a different take on it, look no further than Justin Roberts' claims that Stephanie and the WWE co-opted the Connor Michalek story and twisted it in a way to make the company appear more philanthropic, although some people feel the entire blog post from Roberts just comes off as sour grapes from a jilted ex-employee.

Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.