12 Opponents Brock Lesnar Needs To Face

3. Kevin Owens

Just when he makes his main roster debut and how that€™s handled, we€™ll have to wait and see, but Kevin Owens has been tearing it up in NXT. The former Kevin Steen has been decimating all challenges put in front of him, be it Sami Zayn, Adrian Neville, Finn Balor or everyone€™s favourite jobber, CJ Parker. Oh, and Alex Riley. We mustn€™t forget the €œrage€ of A-Ri. Equally impressive is Owens€™ ability to trash talk before, during and after matches. He barely shuts up and he always has something to say which grabs your attention. The Owens character is being portrayed as somewhat of a bully, and who€™s the biggest, baddest bully there is? Why, that€™d be Brock Lesnar. Owens obviously has a way to go to reach Lesnar€™s level, but you have to feel that his main roster debut will happen over the next 6 months or even less. Kevin Owens himself has even declared his intentions in a recent interview about Brock€™s re-signing, stating: "As a fan, him re-signing is incredibly exciting. As a competitor, it's even better because of the chance of getting to be in that ring with him one day is something that motivates me.€
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Senior Writer

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