12 Questions With Diamond Dallas Page

5. T&A - Tone & Attitude

WC: So what makes DDP Yoga so different from any other form of yoga? DDP: Remember, it ain€™t your mama€™s yoga! Most yogi€™s are very €œNamaste€. DDP Yoga is a lot more..."T&A" - that's "Tone & Attitude". You get a lot more tone and attitude with my programme. Plus, there€™s something I incorporated called dynamic resistance. Imagine using weights without the weights. Every time you flex and engage a muscle, your heart has to beat faster to get the blood to the muscle. That€™s why, with the DDP Yoga workouts, you can get your heart rate jacked up in the fat burning zone literally standing still. Regular yoga doesn€™t do any of that s**t. We get a lot of people who are big and people who are totally beat up who can€™t do any kind of workout and, all of a sudden, they€™re running 5ks, they can do Mudders, and they know how they got to the dance. WC: You discovered yoga back in €™98 through your wife at the time while recovering from a back injury and created the YRG programme as a result; which went on to become the DDP Yoga we know today. How much has the programme changed over the last 10 €“ 15 years? DDP: It€™s constantly morphing; I think it€™s changed substantially but it still has the same base. The fundamentals have stayed the same but I€™m constantly adding new twists and turns. I found how to teach it and I€™m a master at it now obviously, but I wasn€™t in the beginning. I could figure it out in the beginning and work it out for myself but I didn€™t know how to express it. And I think that has just grown exponentially to the point where now I can teach others to teach it. I call them DDP Yoga CTPs€“ Certified Training Partners €“ €˜cause that€™s what it€™s like. You€™re more than just an instructor, you€™re a training partner.

Occasional wrestler, full-time gym rat and lifelong lover of the grapple game. Would probably buy you a shot of Jack at the bar in exchange for witty banter...and preferably more Jack. @MartynGrant88 for more wrestling-related musings and weight room wisecracks!