12 Reasons DX Was Better Than The nWo

1. They Were On The Winning Side Of The Monday Night War

The nWo and DX were huge parts of the Monday Night War. The nWo is the main reason why WCW overtook the WWF for 82 weeks, and DX is one of many reasons why the WWF reclaimed the crown and eventually put WCW out of business. That is proof enough of how much better DX is as a group than the nWo. There€™s a reason why the WWE had a DX reunion on the 1,000th edition of Raw and WCW did not have an nWo reunion on the 1,000th edition of Nitro. The WWF had a superior product, and DX was a huge part of that. DX can absolutely lay claim to contributing to the WWE almost being the monopoly for professional wrestling in North America, and the biggest pro wrestling company in the world. Be sure to comment below or follow me on Twitter @PocketSeagull.
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Justin has been writing about professional wrestling for more than 15 years. A lifelong WWE fan, he also is a big fan of Ring of Honor.