12 Secret Mistakes You Didn't Realise WWE Have Already Made In 2024

6. Having Logan Paul Barely Defend His United States Championship

Cody Rhodes The Rock

On paper, Logan Paul walking around as United States Champion made all the sense in the world.

The arrogant heel is one of the biggest celebrities on the planet, and having him parade the mid-card strap on his podcast and social media would possibly get even more eyes on the WWE brand.

It also doesn't hurt that Paul has turned into one of the most impressive part-time performers the company have ever had on the roster, with his thrilling performances in-between the ropes regularly being a highlight of any event he's booked to appear on.

However, the belt sitting over Paul's shoulder has also resulted in the SmackDown mid-card unfortunately not having much to fight over since November of last year. 

With the megastar obviously being a very much in-demand personality, he was never going to be able to show up and defend the title regularly. But at time of writing, Paul has only wrestled five times since conquering Rey Mysterio for the title - just two of those matches had the belt on the line.

So, while you can see why WWE originally decided to take a punt on the Logan US title experience, the truth is that Paul enjoying a Roman Reigns-style reign hasn't really enhanced the product or made him feel like an unbeatable force that needs to be stopped, it's just robbed the blue brand's mid-card of a much-needed piece of singles gold for many a full-time talent to compete for.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...