12 Signings That Changed The Wrestling World

2. Kevin Nash, Scott Hall & Hulk Hogan (To WCW)

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Even before joining forces with two other hugely influential former WWF stars, Hulk Hogan signing with WCW in 1994 was already having an impact on the Eric Bischoff-led promotion.

Unsurprisingly bringing in the most famous wrestler on planet earth initially led to more folks tuning into what was going down over in World Championship Wrestling, but his arrival in the company was merely the beginning of a game-changing few years.

WCW were gradually starting to compete with Vince McMahon's WWF with Hogan onboard. However, Bischoff's crew began to dominate the Monday Night Wars not long after the emergence of a pair of Outsiders known as Scott Hall and Kevin Nash, too.

These two effortlessly cool one-time WWF superstars' gripping invasion of WCW eventually led to the formation of the hottest faction wrestling had ever seen as Hogan finally revealed himself as the mysterious third man of this New World Order.

83 weeks of kicking the world of sports entertainment's ass all began the moment Nash joined his pal Hall on Nitro to start this unpredictable and compelling nWo storyline, a spell that also forced the WWF to think outside the box and produce edgier content overflowing with "Attitude".

With no Hall, Nash, and Hollywood Hogan, though, WCW simply do not become the top wrestling company in the US for as long as they did, and one of the most captivating, competitive, and important eras of all time likely doesn't come to pass.

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Cody Rhodes
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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...