12 Things Every WWE Fan Must Do Before They Die

11. Sit Front Row

Pretty much anywhere in the first five rows is a good place to sit for the ringside experience, though being right at the front is obviously something else altogether. Admittedly, an argument be made that there's really nowhere bad to sit while watching a WWE event, but there's something about seeing the action up close which just makes the whole thing feel different. Obvious highlights include not only having pretty much the most perfect view ever, but the chance to possibly high five your favourite WWE Superstar or Diva as they enter or leave the ring. It's stuff like that which leads to memories you'll carry with you forever, and getting such a close up view of the action is a lot more exciting than seeing these larger than life athletes from a distance. Getting a front row seat is tough without buying a ridiculously overpriced VIP ticket or shelling out a month's wages on StubHub, but it might just be worth it to be as close to the action in the ring as possible! Of course, with slimy scalpers charging as much as ten times the original price, you may want to ask yourself how much a priority this one is or just practice getting good with the presales. Oh, and hey, you may just end up getting on TV which is always a pretty cool thing to tell your friends about!
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