Unlike a lot of guys on this list, Justin Credible found the fans turning on him despite his best efforts. He was a fine wrestler, undeniably fantastic alongside Lance Storm as the Impact Players, and he grew into a decent singles competitor. In the dying days of ECW, he became their world champion. Originally, he was simply to be Iron Sheik to Rob Van Dam's Hulk Hogan, and RVD would finally become ECW champion and usher in a golden age of extreme. Then Rob got hurt, Justin was forced to hold the belt long-term, and the fans quickly soured. Maybe Justin Credible should never have been ECW champion, but the company was in dire straits. When the fans expressed their disapoint meant in Justin's reign, they were really voicing their disappointment that the promotion they loved was breathing its last. Every star the company made was poached away by WWE or WCW, but Paul Heyman knew that no major wrestling promotion would be able to turn a goofball who wrestled in jeans shorts into a bankable star. Ahem.