12 Times Vince McMahon Abused His Family For Entertainment

2. Shane McMahon Vs. Kurt Angle - King Of The Ring 2001

The lesson we'll basically learn at the end of this entry is that the best time to try to suplex someone through stunt glass is when you don't realize that the pane of glass you're attempting to break with that person's body is actually real. Intriguingly enough, this whole thing is related to Shane McMahon and WCW. After Wrestlemania X-7, Shane McMahon and WCW wrestlers were appearing on Raw and generally interfering in matches and causing issues for WWF wrestlers. When Kurt Angle celebrated winning back his Olympic medals from Chris Benoit, Shane McMahon mocked Kurt Angle and received an Angle Slam for his troubles. One week later, after Undertaker attacked Angle, McMahon sneaked in unannounced and returned the favor. The resulting street fight at King of the Ring 2001 spilled out of the ring and to the set in front of the stage. After multiple attempts (each ending with Shane falling on his head and neck), Kurt finally release belly-to-back suplexed Shane through a plate glass window. The match didn't end there though, as Angle finished McMahon with an Angle Slam from the top rope to win the match. This was all done on Vince McMahon's watch. As a father, just imagining your own son taking that abuse, even if in a scripted environment, is abusive to both parties.

Besides having been an independent professional wrestling manager for a decade, Marcus Dowling is a Washington, DC-based writer who has contributed to a plethora of online and print magazines and newspapers writing about music and popular culture over the past 15 years.