12 Unluckiest WWE Injuries Ever

4. Mr Kennedy

Big Cass

It's often said that timing is everything in professional wrestling, and if one superstar suffered the short end of that, it was Mr Kennedy.

About to receive the moon on a stick from WWE in 2007, the Green Bay loudmouth looked a lock to win the WWE Title having captured the 'Money In The Bank' briefcase at WrestleMania 23.

The push was by no means undeserved, as Kennedy had gained massive support with his self-aggrandising schtick and cocky promo style.

Ostensibly a heel, the act was destined for an organic babyface turn in an era where antiheroes could still shine, especially when he promised to hold onto his guaranteed title shot for a full year, pledging to use the briefcase to insert himself into the WrestleMania 24 main event.

He never even got close.

Crocking himself in a match with Batista just days after that announcement, an arm injury was misdiagnosed as a tricep tear which would shelve him for around eight months.

Kennedy immediately dropped the briefcase to Edge in light of the news, but the very next day would find out the 'tear' was merely a bad hematoma, benching him for no longer than three weeks.

A Wellness Test failure, a series of Public Relations blunders and yet more injuries upon his return continued Kennedy's rotten luck, and he was gone entirely from the organisation by 2009.

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Finn Balor
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Michael is a writer, editor, podcaster and presenter for WhatCulture Wrestling, and has been with the organisation nearly 8 years. He primarily produces written, audio and video content on WWE and AEW, but also provides knowledge and insights on all aspects of the wrestling industry thanks to a passion for it dating back over 35 years. As one third of "The Dadley Boyz" Michael has contributed to the huge rise in popularity of the WhatCulture Wrestling Podcast and its accompanying YouTube channel, earning it top spot in the UK's wrestling podcast charts with well over 62,000,000 total downloads. He has been featured as a wrestling analyst for the Tampa Bay Times, GRAPPL, GCP, Poisonrana and Sports Guys Talking Wrestling, and has covered milestone events in New York, Dallas, Las Vegas, Philadelphia, London and Cardiff. Michael's background in media stretches beyond wrestling coverage, with a degree in Journalism from the University Of Sunderland (2:1) and a series of published articles in sports, music and culture magazines The Crack, A Love Supreme and Pilot. When not offering his voice up for daily wrestling podcasts, he can be found losing it singing far too loud watching his favourite bands play live. Follow him on X/Twitter - @MichaelHamflett