12 WWE Heels That Nobody Even Cared About

11. Jesus

Aaron Aguilera probably deserved better. A student of the same UPW Dojo as John Cena, Aguilera was a handsome and charismatic Mexican-American wrestler with excellent athleticism for his considerable size. In 2004 WWE, Carlito Colon as a "cool" Latino guy who spat chewed up apples into the faces of his opponents was a thing. On the surface, that in itself is a horrible gimmick with limited potential, but, at the time he was the United States Champion, so, that shows us how absolutely random pro wrestling can be on occasion. While embroiled in a feud with John Cena over the US Championship, it was revealed that Cena was stabbed in a nightclub. One common rule of wrestling. If at any point you're introduced in a manner that involves you committing a real-life felony, the fans aren't going to care about you. This is the case because well, hitting a guy with brass knuckles behind the referee's back pales in comparison to the other egregious things you've done in your life. Therefore, when the man that stabbed Cena was revealed to be Carlito's friend/bodyguard Jesus, well, Jesus was screwed. If anyone were to legitimately attempt homicide on someone, then why would you be seen in real life? Wouldn't that just put the cops onto you? Cena wrestling his near-assassin in a wrestling match then makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.
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Besides having been an independent professional wrestling manager for a decade, Marcus Dowling is a Washington, DC-based writer who has contributed to a plethora of online and print magazines and newspapers writing about music and popular culture over the past 15 years.