12 WWE Stars Who Got Better With Age

4. Trish Stratus

In developing from being the manager of tag team combination of T & A (Test and Prince Albert) in 1999 to retiring from WWE in 2006 as a seven-time Women's Champion, Trish Status' evolution is nothing short of absolutely amazing. As a character, Stratus' performance in making her affair with Vince McMahon into some of the most awe-inspiringly creepy and immoral television in WWE history is to be commended. The same goes for her role in the wedding of Kane to Lita, and the dissolution of the tag-team combination of Chris Jericho and Christian at Wrestlemania 20, too. Insofar as her time as an in-ring competitor, her commitment to developing herself as a talent is likely what has WWE convinced that fitness models make great pro wrestlers. If Trish can do it, anyone else should be able to as well. In being the best example of dedication to craft allowing for exemplary development, Trish set a standard to which many will aim but few will likely ever reach.

Besides having been an independent professional wrestling manager for a decade, Marcus Dowling is a Washington, DC-based writer who has contributed to a plethora of online and print magazines and newspapers writing about music and popular culture over the past 15 years.