12 WWE Superstars Who Made It Big And Then Just Disappeared 

11. R-Truth

In 2011, three years into his return to WWE, R-Truth had become little more than a bit player, a perfect midcard guy on the roster. But one bottle of water changed all that, when Truth grabbed a drink between opponents in a gauntlet match. That led to him turning heel €“ but not just any garden-variety heel. Truth became an unhinged, deranged wrestler who attacked and beat John Morrison and Rey Mysterio, and earned a WWE Championship title shot against John Cena. He also grew increasingly paranoid about conspiracies and had an obsession with an unseen €œLittle Jimmy,€ who was more metaphorical at the time. R-Truth then formed a highly underrated tag team with The Miz, Awesome Truth. For three months, they ran roughshod over Raw, getting themselves fired, beating Triple H and CM Punk in a tag match and finally losing to John Cena and The Rock at Survivor Series. Truth would then be suspended for a wellness policy violation for 30 days. He€™d reemerge as a face to win the Tag Team Championships with Kofi Kingston in April 2012, but by September, they lost the straps and Truth once again became a midcard guy who occasionally would get an Intercontinental or U.S. Championship title shot, but that is about as far as he€™s gone. Now he€™s getting beat up along with Xavier Woods by Rusev. Quite a fall for a guy who was once so feared that he

Scott is a former journalist and longtime wrestling fan who was smart enough to abandon WCW during the Monday Night Wars the same time as the Radicalz. He fortunately became a fan in time for WrestleMania III and came back as a fan after a long high school hiatus before WM XIV. Monday nights in the Carlson household are reserved for viewing Raw -- for better or worse.