12 WWE Superstars Who Made It Big And Then Just Disappeared 

5. Chyna

When you€™re the Ninth Wonder of the World, you don€™t just disappear off the face of the Earth, do you? Apparently, you absolutely can. Despite being the first woman to compete in the Royal Rumble and King of the Ring tournament, winning three Intercontinental Championships and becoming a major draw for WWE as the only woman who could hang with the men, Chyna found herself on the outs with the company in 2001. Even though she was the current Women€™s Champion (having beaten Ivory at WrestleMania X-Seven), Chyna vanished from WWE sometime mid-2001, being officially stripped of her title in November. It was a remarkable tumble for Chyna, who gained such notoriety and fame during her time in WWE, first as Triple H€™s bodyguard, then a full-fledged member of Degeneration X, then as a singles competitor fighting the men. She was reduced to fighting Ivory for the women€™s strap, which had to be considered a huge demotion, but she still was a major champion and very visible performer in the company. Joanie Laurer claims Stephanie McMahon€™s relationship with Laurer€™s former boyfriend Triple H contributed to her dismissal, but it€™s all irrelevant 13 years later. The end result is that WWE lost a truly unique performer (whether she overvalued her importance to the company is immaterial) and fans lost their €˜Mamacita.€™

Scott is a former journalist and longtime wrestling fan who was smart enough to abandon WCW during the Monday Night Wars the same time as the Radicalz. He fortunately became a fan in time for WrestleMania III and came back as a fan after a long high school hiatus before WM XIV. Monday nights in the Carlson household are reserved for viewing Raw -- for better or worse.