13 Best Ever Freebird Rule Tag Teams
2. The Fabulous Freebirds (WCCW)
Members: Michael "P.S." Hayes, Terry "Bam Bam" Gordy, Buddy "Jack" Roberts
Championships: Unclear.
Days as Champions: Also unclear.
And a hush befalls the readership.
Yes, obviously, the Freebird Rule is named after the Freebirds, but they're actually predated by the original Midnight Express from earlier on the list. Furthermore, most of their success - and their highest-profile matches -came as part of the WCCW's six-man tag team division, which is strictly outside the purview of this article.
Furthermore, while I'll freely admit that I haven't seen every second of Freebirds footage, official records don't actually imply that they did much rotating of members when it came to title defenses. Indeed, unless the 'Birds were holding a six-man title, they normally followed The Shield model: two members would regularly defend with the third member on the floor.