13 Coolest WWE Ring Attires Of 2018
11. Rey Mysterio (SmackDown)
What Was It: Rey Mysterio's mohawk-style mask and washed-out purple tights on a recent episode of SmackDown had some serious style. Adding to the classic feel, Rey Rey put 'G.O.A.T' in blue lettering across the leg and even spliced in some zebra stripes for good measure.
Why It Was Cool: What sounds like a fashion disaster (zebra, purple and blue!?) actually ended up working. The stripes on his gear and boots complemented the black and white stripe motif of the mask's phoney mohawk, and there's a real sense of class to the faded purple.
It's almost velveteen, and it looks like the kind of thing any self-respecting person would sneak a stroke of when Mysterio left the room. Probably just as well we're not in the WWE locker room then, eh? We'd be cast out for being weird.