13 Essential Tips For Passing A WWE Try-Out
Get ready for Hell.

If you thought just keeping a contract with WWE was a tough prospect when they're all too happy relegating genuine talents to the mid-card and ushering others off to future endeavours, you should try getting one in the first place.
What with WWE seemingly hiring pretty much every promising indie or international prospect from every corner of the globe at the moment, it may seem like there are plenty of opportunities to break into Vince's big time. Sadly though, it's a mine-field of eye-wateringly epic proportions. Even the prospect of getting to a tryout would be enough to make some wannabe grapplers cry, let alone making it through the punishing boot-camp.
It's probably best to think of it as the most cliché-ridden army boot-camp, with dearly-departed R. Lee Ermey barking orders and firing tear gas at you simultaneously. Similar to learning karate at Cobra Kai. And even as your legs are bursting, you're coughing up your lunch and trying to remember your gimmick's best lines, there are some golden rules you really have to remember if you're ever going to make it past Judge's Houses...