13 Most Insane Wrestling Spots Of The Week (Jan 3)

10. Asai Moonsault From Colt Cabana

Technically, this spot came from a NOAH tag match in Tokyo on December 23rd, so it's slightly more dated than everything else on this list. It's included because it's been shared quite a lot and just took me a few extra days to discover it. Colt Cabana (who was teaming alongside Chris Hero), performed this beautiful Asai moonsault against Lance Archer & Davey Boy Smith, Jr. When a fan on Twitter remarked to Cabana how long it's been since he last did this high risk move, Colt pointed out that it's been around 8 years or more. Colt suggested that it might've been during his first Zero One tour in 2006 or possibly in Ring of Honor in 2007 that he last did the move.

I'm a dad who loves professional wrestling. Find me on Twitter @MitchNickelson or email me at leonardbeats@gmail.com.