13 Most Insane Wrestling Spots Of The Week (Sept 27)

8. Sky Splitta While ACH Sells One Inch Punch

cesaro big suplex big show

A few moments before Ring of Honor's Caprice Coleman delivered his top rope finishing maneuver, he gave ACH a devastating one-inch punch. At first it was a move that showed no ill effects but a delayed onset of pain negatively impacted ACH as the match went on.

At the beginning of this .gif, ACH is seen clutching his chest in pain. The move that Bruce Lee is known for had worn him down considerably. Coleman then took to some serious air and connected with his Sky Splitta. Despite the offense, Coleman later lost the bout.

Steve Corino discussed a letter that Prince Nana gave to Coleman a few weeks back after this match. Coleman told him that he needed to read it over and over, but he gets it now. It's intriguing to see where Caprice goes with these recent developments.


I'm a dad who loves professional wrestling. Find me on Twitter @MitchNickelson or email me at leonardbeats@gmail.com.