14 Things We Learned From Big Show On Stone Cold's WWE Network Podcast

11. Fans Who Chant 'Please Retire' Don't Understand The Product

Austin wastes little time bringing up the elephant in the room: the deafening 'Please retire!' chants that greet Show's almost every appearance (unless they're edited out before SmackDown airs). The giant stays calm, but gives a thoughtful, direct answer. He believes that the majority of chanters are simply attempting to join in with the atmosphere of a live show and have a good time, but that those who actually believe that he should retire don't understand what he's doing for WWE. Show claims that he still does a lot to get younger guys over, stating: "I've maybe won eight matches in the past two years. I've had more turns than NASCAR." Although disappointed that his character hasn't had more consistency as either a babyface or a heel, he sees the positive side of his many (many) turns, explaining that it helped him to fill in where needed, giving a boost to up-and-coming faces and heels alike.
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.