14 Things You Might Have Missed From Last Night’s WWE Raw

13. An Enzo Amore Sign

Enzo Amore Fan Sign

Right in the middle of that Stephanie McMahon and Roman Reigns war of words, during which General Manager Angle stood politely and never once looked like he was, y'know, in charge of the show, an Enzo Amore sign was visible in the background over Kurt's shoulder.

The camera only caught a glimpse of the sign for a second or so before pulling away. That had to be annoying for WWE's production team; there was next-to-no way they could shoot the scene properly without getting that "How Enzo Doin'?" image into shot.

Thankfully (from WWE's point of view anyway), the fan responsible didn't hold it aloft for longer than a few seconds. All that hard work for so little screen time. You can't teach that.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.